Mohua Kibria Mumu

Pathway iCASE 0+4

Cohort 2022

Pathway Journey

Grunenthal is my industry partner and I will be visiting their main hub in Aachen, Germany, in my third year to use their in house equipment.


I completed my BSc in Pharmacology at King’s College London and my MSc in Pharmacology at the University of Oxford. I particularly liked the idea of being a part of a cohort, given the PhD journey is mostly an individual journey. Furthermore, I was intrigued by the possibility of gaining experience both in academia and industry offered by the DTP.


Sambrooke Exhibition Award, 2020
Best Overall Final Year Undergraduate Student, 2021
Best 3-minute speed talk, KCL IoPPN Symposium, 2023


NEUROdiab September 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece