Nick Livingston

Pathway 0+3.5

Cohort 2020

0+3.5 Student

gained my BSc in Medical Neuroscience from the University of Sussex in 2017 and my MSc in Neuroimaging at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at KCL in 2019. For my MSc dissertation, I analysed data from a pharmacological fMRI study looking at the therapeutic potential of the drug roflumilast to treat cognitive flexibility deficits in patients with schizophrenia.  

After my MSc, I worked for a year as a research assistant at Imperial College London, analysing MRI and PET data from a phase IIb clinical trial: Evaluating Liraglutide in Alzheimer’s Disease (ELAD).   

For my PhD, I am using multi-modal neuroimaging data to investigate the role of hippocampal dysfunction in individuals at Clinical High-Risk for Psychosisand how benzodiazepines might modulate brain function and clinical outcomes in this population. I am co-supervised by Dr Gemma Modinos and Dr Alice Egerton.   


Femminella, G.D., Livingston, N.R., Raza, S., van der Doef, T., Frangou, E., Love, S., Busza, G., Calsolaro, V., Carver, S., Holmes, C., Ritchie, C., Lawrence, R., McFarlane, B., Tadros, G., Ridha, B.H., Bannister, C., Walker, Z., Archer, H., Coulthard, E., Underwood, B.R., Prasanna, A., Koranteng, P., Karim, S., Junaid, K., McGuinness, B., Passmore, A.P., Nilforooshan, R., Macharouthu, A., Donaldson, A., Thacker, S., Russell, G., Malik, N., Mate, V., Knight, L., Kshemendran, S., Tan, T., Harrison, J., Holscher, C., Harrison, C., Brooks, D.J., Ballard, C., Edison P. (2021). Does insulin resistance influence neurodegeneration in non-diabetic Alzheimer’s subjects?, Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy 

Livingston, N.R., Hawkins, P.C.T., Gilleen, J., Ye, R., Valdearenas, L., Mehta, M.A. & Shergill, S. (2021)Preliminary evidence for the phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, roflumilast, in ameliorating deficits in cognitive flexibility in patients with schizophreniaJournal of Psychopharmacology  

Conference Proceedings 

I presented a research poster at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in July, 2020, titled ‘Assessing the relationship between cognitive dysfunction and brain atrophy patterns in Alzheimer’s disease: baseline data from the ELAD trial 

I am due to give an oral presentation at the Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference in April, 2021, titled Preliminary evidence for the PDE4-inhibitor, roflumilast, in ameliorating deficits in cognitive flexibility in patients with schizophrenia: a pharmacological fMRI study