Project ID NS-MH2023_55


Co Supervisor 1A IoPPN/Psychological MedicineWebsite

Co Supervisor 1B IoPPN/Psychological MedicineWebsite

Face-to-face or remote consultations for people with severe mental illness? A Mixed methods evaluation

Tele-health is a core component of the UK mental health care in the NHS 5-year plan. Whilst the implementation was rapidly accelerated during the pandemic, it relies on the technological resources available in the mental health care services and on patients’ ability to use digital devices.

This PhD project will investigate differences in the two emerging consultation models (face-to-face and remote) including the changing patterns of their use (frequency, duration, timing) pre- and post-pandemic, and their personal and service impact (satisfaction, health outcomes).

This mixed methods project will provide a broad range of training opportunities in the following: i) conduct of systematic reviews; ii) management of big data, statistical skills and data analysis; iii) recruitment of study participants and qualitative skills of conducting in-depth interviews and thematic analysis. Additional training in general PhD skills such as communication and writing academic papers will be available through the Centre for Doctoral Studies at KCL.

Year 1: Systematic review on the two models of care (face-to-face and remote)
Years 1 and 2: A series of analyses of CRIS data comparing face-to-face and remote consultations
Year 3: Interviews with patients and mental health professionals on their views and experiences with face-to-face and remote consultations

The student will work closely with both supervisors to design the studies and interpret the results. Throughout the PhD project the student will be supported by both supervisors in disseminating their work and publishing it in high impact scientific journals and in national and international meetings.

Representative Publications

Pinto da Costa M, Chevalier A, Farreny A, Cassidy M, Leverton M, et al. (2019) How would patients with psychosis like to be in contact with a volunteer: Face-to-face or digitally?. PLOS ONE 14(5): e0216929.

Perera G, Broadbent M, Callard F, Chang C-K, Downs J, Dutta R, Fernandes A, Hayes RD, Henderson M, Jackson R, Jewell A, Kadra G, Little R, Pritchard M, Shetty H, Tulloch A, Stewart R. Cohort profile of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre (SLaM BRC) Case Register: current status and recent enhancement of an Electronic Mental Health Record derived data resource. BMJ Open 2016; 6: e008721.