Raquel Martinez

Pathway 0+3.5

Cohort 2020

0+3.5 Student

My PhD project is “Mechanisms of early synaptic dysfunction on Alzheimer’s disease” which will last for 3.5 years, and we are investigating this using post-mortem tissue and mice models of AD. My undergraduate was in Pharmacology also at King’s College London. During my degree, I spent one year in Almirall in Barcelona, developing an animal model of atopic dermatitis. Despite of working in a completely different field, it was a great opportunity to gain experience with in vivo studies. Later, my research project was on Parkinson’s disease with an in vitro setting.  

I like the flexibility the DTP offers in terms of the different pathways you can chose between, also they offer a wide range of courses and workshops to expand any skills that you may be missing. In addition, many other opportunities are also available, such as placements, jobs, extended funding opportunities…